Saturday, December 11, 2010

our history

Our Legacy on America’s and the world’s history is yet to be fully written.  We have the makings of a great generation, adversity, intense issues with the world, issues worth solving.  Yet I worry about our decisions to push things off onto the next generation.  Global Warming is an issue we must move on now, or our future will be bleak, people consider education and science to be things not needed.  The lethargy of the 80s and 90s generation will haunt us later I believe.  No one seems to care about the important things enough to solve them, only enough to either say they care and not make amends for it, or to capitalize on the issue and make money off of it.  I am among the former sadly, I feel very strongly about particular issues, but not to go any farther than to write my representative and senator.  The issue that this causes is perhaps the idea of Nixon’s silent majority.  We may hold a majority on most issues, but no one cares enough to do anything about it, save extremists on both sides.  We are far too alienated to do anything but allow the status quo to continue on its march.  Our lives take up too much time to make any rational moves on national and international policy, so we do nothing and allow those who do not have our best interests in mind to make what they will of our world.  So this is our history.

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