Friday, September 3, 2010

Reconstruction= Fail!

My name is Nikk, and I'm in this because i really enjoy history, and I love to expand my knowledge of events that shaped our world.  I'm a history/ sociology/ political science major at KSU, and this is hopefully my last year before I graduate.  My fingers are crossed on that last one.

This guy sucked
I feel that the reconstruction was a massive failure on both the north's part, and a victory for southern idealism that blacks were still second class citizens.  The failure on the norths part was due to inept leadership by Grant, who was of course the same general who won the civil war for the north, and an overall thought that the south should be punished for rebelling and thus made worse off than originally.  The north broke the southern economy, and in doing so sowed resentment in the relationship between the former confederacy.  My take on this is that if JWB did not kill Lincoln there would have been a different outcome.  Lincoln could have easily been reelected, and his cooler head and steady hand at the controls may have proved a better way, one that would have rebuilt the south, and that perhaps put pressure on Jim Crow, the state laws that inhibited blacks from doing most things.  So we can blame John Wilkes Booth for this.  

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